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The National association of officers’ trade unions of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – Association, NA of OTU of LR) was founded on November 28, 2008. Previously, since October 2002, it was functioning as The trade union of pre-trial investigation institutions of the Republic of Lithuania. Currently the Association unites around 4 thousand members, including officers of Police, State Border Guard Service, Financial Crime Investigation Service, Fire and Rescue Department as well as officers of other pre-trial investigation and state service institutions, state officials, other employees. During the recent years NA of OTU of LR has become the largest and the most capable conglomerate of trade unions in Lithuania. The Association represents professional, economic, social rights and interests of all state officials of Lithuania, strives to re-enforce self-confidence of its members and constructive relationship with their employers, ensure the feeling of security, as well as form a positive and solid image of state official (officer) in the eyes of the public and media. Major trends of activity:
We borrow experience from developed European countries, in which addressing of social issues is impossible without the participation of professional unions. The activity of professional unions is an expression of democratic advancement of the state. Only a self-confident and socially protected officer can satisfy expectations of the public and its leaders. Contacts:
Phone: +370 (5) 2716118 Mob. phone: +370 671 98974 Fax: +370 (5) 2123273 Email: info@pareigunai.lt; media@pareigunai.lt Website: http://www.pareigunai.lt/
Organized Protects actions by officers of Trade Unions
2005-2010 years
Takes, took and will take away (2005)
In Vilnius on 8 of November in 2005 year was carried out the protest action “Takes, took and will take away”. The representatives of law and security of Trade Unions wanted to retrieve from the government the unpaid part of salary to officers and insisted to increase the salaries and do not decrease pensions. Precautionary action was organized at the Government Palace and after two hours the protesters moved to the Seimas.
In this action participated officers and civil servants from the institutions of Police, Custom, Fire and Rescue, Frontier, Penitentiary institution. After precautionary action in Vilnius the protests actions moved to the centers of Counties and into the small cities (on 14-25 of November), and on 26 November – 3 December the action was in Vilnius.
Forced to keep silent (2007)
Trade Union of Prejudicial Investigation invited officers do not conciliate with the administrative corruption, toadyism and humiliation of workers spreading in Police. On 23 of April 2007 year picketed about 50 workers of Passport offices. They were joined by some officers from Vilnius Police Commissariats. The picketing Vilnius Passport offices’ workers insisted the General Commissariat of Police to cancel the orders by which V.Grigaravicius decided to reorganize Vilnius Passport Offices and according which would be created conditions to relieve all workers of Vilnius Passport offices until August of this year. Trade Union approved that Vilnius passport offices must be reorganized, however it must be done by determining the transitional period according to the Lithuania’s laws, which in these cases empowers to negotiate with representatives of workers, so that would be escaped the negative social results. Pickets were organized the whole week (on 23-27 April) during the lunch break. The large number of picketed persons gathered at the department of Police.
ACHIEVEMENTS: made reorganization, which resulted the following: the workers who worked under work agreement became the civil servants, increased their salaries, work conditions got better.
Barefoot Officer – insecure people (02-04-2009)
In precautionary action “Barefoot Officer – insecure people” participated Lithuania’s law and security institutions’ officers: firemen, customers, frontier-guards, policemen and public security institutions’ officers. By this action of protest was tried to pay attention of the Government once more to catastrophic and becoming worse situation in the institutions of law and security system. Action was organized by National Confederation of the Officers Trade Unions, Confederation of Lithuania’s Firemen-rescuers Trade Unions and Trade Union of Custom officers. NCOTU, CLFTU and TUCO unify about 6 thousands firemen, customers, frontier-guards, policemen and public security institutions’ officers and financial crime investigation officers. The precautionary actions were organized in Lithuania cities: Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys, Utena, Marijampolė, Tauragė, Telšiai, Alytus, Vilnius.
CHANGES ACHIEVED: redistributed finances assigned for Interior Affairs institutions: about 9 million Lt from the item of investment of Internal Affairs institutions were transferred to the item of wages. The main goal of protest action – attract attention of the society and politicians and to tell them that Public Security is the area of priority, and therefore there must be paid a proper attention to this area.
Barefoot Officer – insecure people (03-07-2009)
The action of protest which started in April was extended on 3 of July, during the festival of Songs on Celebration of Lithuania’s Millenium. On the 3rd of July the policemen, officers of Penitentiary institutions, frontiers, firemen executed their duties with the Action “Barefoot Officer – insecure people” badges.
ACHIEVEMENTS: Continued action, which showed that society of officers has not forgot what they required and what the Government has not implemented.
Against the persecution of Trade Union members (14-09-2009)
The Officers of Police in Kaunas protested against bugs in the work places. The action was organized after the occurred event when in the cabinet of active members of Trade Union (in Police Commissariat, Kaunas City) was found the equipment of bugs.
ACHIEVEMENTS: It was shown for the society what is going on and revealed that members of Trade Union can be persecuted for their activity. They appealed to the Prosecution Service, which during the pre-judicial investigation determined that the member of Trade Union has suffered in this case.
Barefoot Officer – insecure people (01-10-2009)
On the 1st of October was organized action of protest. It was continuation of protest action “Barefoot Officer – insecure people” organized in April. By this action was required resignation of Minister of Interior Affairs.
ACHIEVEMENTS: It was shown for the society that Minister of Interior Affairs do not represents the interests of society and officers, do not accepts important and resolute decisions.
The Light and the Truth!
On 12 of December the officers participated in the meeting of United Democratic Movement “The Light and the Truth!”
ACHIEVEMENTS: The society of officers showed that they are not against the society, but keeps together with her.
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